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FRIENDS, MEMORIES, & FAITH GROWTH this summer at camp

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

This summer was [un]Equal to any other. Campers from across the country traveled to Carol Joy Holling Camp and Sullivan Hills Camp to learn more about how we are loved from beginning to end by the Holy Trinity.

Revelation 22:13 was our theme verse: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

“I learned God is the creator and redeemer,” Kylah, a middle school camper, explained. "How God created everything and redeemed us from our sins and gave his only son to die on the cross for our sin. I learned about the Holy Spirit and how God sent them speaking their wonders of God.“

There’s something special about being surrounded by God’s beautiful creation building new memories with peers.

“I was in Peter’s Praying Pink Buckets, and I had a great time in that group,” Kylah continued. “I made friends easily, and my group leader made a big impact in my life. I appreciate that I had a chance to be with you this week!”

Faith comes alive at camp. Elementary campers shared that what they learned in Bible study time helped them treat others differently.

“Everyone is unique and deserves respect,” Brie said.

Aaron said he learned to “treat others with the love God gives.”

And Seven is going to “take different viewpoints into consideration.”

As campers grow, their experiences at camp help faith become personal.

“God is accepting and powerful,” Dave, a middle school camper parent, remarked. “He moved [my camper] in a way that I had hoped but not seen. He formed some deep bonds with quite a few others there.”

Christie saw a change in her middle school camper as well. “Camp renewed his faith,” she said. “Meeting new people really helped his self-confidence!”

Camp is also a place where friendships are formed; a new community is built among friends old and new in the span of only a handful of days.

“My son made great connections,” Danielle, a high school camper parent shared. “After the closing program he saw a camper from his village was upset, and he went over to give him a hug and tried to comfort him.”

Now that the tears have dried, we hope the joy of camp lives on in your camper each and every day. Because, no matter where you go, Christ goes with you.

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