“We usually don’t do camps because of the expense, but her cousin is attending this camp and asked if she could come with her,” a camper parent recently shared.
Thank you for ensuring cost is not a barrier when a camper invites a friend to experience a faith-growing week at Carol Joy Holling Camp.
“We were able to send our sons to camp last year thanks to financial aid,” another camper parent added. “We are so thankful for this opportunity and the experience they had. They bring it up often and have a deepened trust in Jesus because of their time at camp.”
Decades ago, Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (NLOM) leadership stepped out in faith to say we will not turn away any camper who cannot afford the cost of camp.
What an incredible legacy that began—blessing these young, faith-filled campers no matter their situation.
“My daughter was looking forward to being able to start camp this year, but with my recent layoff times are very uneasy,” a camper parent confided. “I’d love for her to go, so I’m reaching out to see if there’s an option for her to attend.”
You bring Faith: Alive! each summer when you sponsor a camper who may not otherwise be able to be here. And even more, you spark faith in the parents of that camper as they feel your love for them.
“I was a camper for a few years and even worked on staff for one summer, and now I’m excited to have my own daughter attend camp as well,” another camper parent acknowledged. “It’s truly a life-changing place. As a single mom, [Campership] support is definitely helpful.”
At Carol Joy Holling Camp, these campers are surrounded by love from you, the Summer Ministry Team, other campers, and most importantly, the boundless, merciful, and unconditional love of God.
Thank you for being a friend of camp and joining us in bringing Faith: Alive!