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Writer's pictureDani Hatfield

2021 Summer Camp Theme...FEARLESS

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9

As we look forward to welcoming campers once again next summer, we are filled with hope and joy. Although the winter in Nebraska can feel dark and cold, we know our Lord is with us each and every day.

Even when life is unpredictable and challenging, we can trust that God is with us guiding,

strengthening, protecting, and claiming us as beloved. This is the same God that created the

heavens and the earth, guided Abraham and Sarah, protected Joseph, chose David, strengthened Mary, and claimed you and me to be part of God’s family.

God’s steadfast love calls us to walk fearlessly in our faith, trusting in God’s compassion and joyfully sharing God’s promises with others. We can’t wait to study those Bible stories and live fearlessly together next summer.

The schedule is posted, and registration is open now at

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